Little Cloud

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Little Cloud 's Guestbook

shaml_sim May 25, 2009

Hi, just letting you know that Part 6 of my story 'A Message from an Angel' has been submitted, so it should be out in the next day or two, incase you want to keep an eye out for it. Hope you enjoy and look forward to your feedback on it \:D

PenelopeTMay 24, 2009

Hey Little Cloud, thanks again for commenting on 'Lilith's Journey'. I think part 4 left people wondering what is really going to happen in the end. I promise to wrap everything up. Let's just say that Lilith has always been one of my favorite Sim's, as was Brandi. So have no fear about her getting an unhappy ending. One way or another, she will be ok. \:\) I am going to try and wrap everything up in part 5, but it may go to 6 parts.

shaml_sim May 23, 2009

Hi! Thank you so much for reading my A Message from an Angel story. I'm so happy that you enjoyed reading them so much and letting me know what you thought of them. I will definitely let you know when Part 6 is out, it should be in the next week sometime, but I'll let you know when it's been submitted \:D Thanks again, have a wonderful day!

luckyoyoMay 21, 2009

Hi, Thank you for commenting on my story Melt my heart the final, I'm so thrilled you enjoyed the story, you have made me very happy. \:D \:D \:wub\:

YukosanMay 18, 2009

You must be very creative to come up with all those ideas for stories, and they interfere with one another. XD Well, not necessarily. But then again, if you get caught up with another idea while you're writing a story. I really do hope you get the second part out sometime next week. Just try to keep it going, because it's awesome! And you have a lot of potential. My avatar is actually made from one of the screen shots in my story that I decided not to include, so I just cropped it and made it my pic. ;P

YukosanMay 17, 2009

Oh, yay. ^ ^ I'm glad you're working on it. And I know what you mean by that. When it's sewed up it is good for the game's aspect, but not for when writing and adding your own things onto it... but you've done a real good job with it. (: I can't wait to read part of of Blood and Tears, though. Because I just know it will be good! And you do not confuse me, I mean, you make sense XD lol.

pallypooMay 17, 2009

Howdy! Thanks for commenting on chapter 3 of, Remember. I love the energy you leave.\:D and I agree with your profile, "I WANT THE SIMS 3 TO COME OUT NOW!!!!" too.

PenelopeTMay 17, 2009

Little Cloud, I'm glad you liked part 3 of 'Lilith's Journey'. I'm trying to work on getting part 4 out by next weekend. \:\)

YukosanMay 16, 2009

Wow I really love how you write. I read your Kingdom Hearts one too. They are both pretty awesome \:D you are a very very very very talented writer! I can imagine what your sims stories were like. But I think you are exceptional at writing in any style, period. Let me know whenever you post something more, yeah? \:cool\: And I hope your weekend has been going good so far.

luckyoyoMay 16, 2009

Hi, Thank you so much for your great comments on my story Melt my heart, I know what you mean, if that was me in real life I wouldn't really be anoyed, Kim was just telling Blake how it is,  anyway the final part of the story will be out shortly.\:wub\:

YukosanMay 14, 2009

Yeah, hopefully! \;\) And the guys there should watch out! :9 Oh, I'm glad it's up now! I'd love to read em, you can send me the links. \:D They must be awesome, I just know it. Oh, and I can /try/ to give you some advice XD been having a little writer's block myself lately, loss of inspiration. But I can't wait to read all of them! \:\)

WarrayfinsonMay 14, 2009

Yeah, I've read the Mortal Instruments, I thought it was good \:D Haven't ever heard of the other series though, I'll have to look it up. Thanks for letting me know \:cool\: I know what you mean, I love reading too. Sometimes I get so into a story I forget the world around me and when someone tried tlo talk to me they have to whack me out of the book (not literally of course! :P).  Anything new with you? \:\)

YukosanMay 13, 2009

\:D Hehe! Wow. I hope you do get to go to that camp, it sounds cool, I'd go with you! \:eek\: but you saw no girls in the pictures? That is strange... there has got to be at least 1 girl there! Since girls do design video games... and I think you would be exceptional at it, hopefully you do get college in your future to pursue what you really want to do \:\) even if the camp is sexist >__> lol, maybe there would be more girls this year?

YukosanMay 12, 2009

Oooh, camps? \:D Well that's cool. Awww. I'm glad they can at least send you to one or two like you said. It sounds fun though. And so does going to Chicago & Wisconsin, that sounds like quite a bit to do. \:cool\: But just chilling in the end is always good. \:\) I don't even know what I'm doing. Just probably going to go swimming a whole lot, and hang out with friends, it's one of my favorite things to do. But don't have any specific plans. XD At least you do! I find it fun to talk to you XDD

YukosanMay 11, 2009

Oh... awwwwwh. That's a shame that happened. It sucks. \:\( I can understand what you mean by writing without the sims, though. It different when you write without the pictures. Have to illustrate with the words when not writing with the sims. But both are cool 8) and I really can't wait to read your Sims 3 stories when you make them. I think they will be awesome! \:\) Haha. I'm glad you got enough clothes to last you through the summer. There should be sizes for "in between" :9 that would be nice. Summer is an awesome time. Yay for school almost being out! >:3 The last day is the beeeest. I think mine is over in like four weeks too. Do you know what you're going to do over the summer?

YukosanMay 10, 2009

Heehe! It's okay, I know you aren't calling me a dude. XD Hopefully you do get it right away! Whahaha, I think you are well-behaved (right? :P) so you should get it right away. Will you still play Sims 2 when you get it? I think a lot of people will, since some are still playing the Sims 1. But what do I know. XD I don't think you are weird at all. Most people like one certain thing a whole lot. Ooooooh. That sounds fun (: and I'm glad you got to spend some time with your mom. That's really nice. And you got to buy clothes, yay! It's always good to have one-on-one time with someone, especially in your case. And picking out clothes is nice ^w^ did you get some good stuff? I have just been chilling out I guess XD I went to my friend's house yesterday, but couldn't stay the night because of today being mother's day and having to do stuff. Usually when I go to her house we ride 4-wheelers, but we didn't yesterday. I crashed it once :9 but it's all good.

YukosanMay 9, 2009

Ohh, so it was FFVII? \:\) I see. I bet it was cool, though! But I know what you mean by that, being pinned as something... and I'm sorry you felt that way, or still do feel that way. I just see you as... well you \:P hehe. I'm anxious to read your fan-fics and stories. Oh, you can just send the link whenever they are working then. \:\) The Sims 3 is soooo close ~ I'm not sure if I'm going to buy it right away, but maybe in the future sometime, so I am excited to hear about it! Are you going to get it as soon as it comes out? \:cool\:

YukosanMay 8, 2009

Ohhhhh. I see... so that's where they went. Awww. Fan-fics are cool though, was it possibly final fantasy? Only taking a guess XD, but I can see what you mean. I don't think I have ever seen a fan-fic story up here, but it's still neat that you did it, even if you didn't know all the details at the time, it okey. Sweet though! I would love to be informed when your first sims 3 story is out. =) I bet it will be AAAAAWsome. \:D \:cool\:

YukosanMay 7, 2009

Thank yoooou for your message on my story. \:wub\: I bet yours was good, way better than mine! But where did it go? \:eek\: I was gonna read it. XD But again thanks for leaving a comment. \:wub\:

WarrayfinsonMay 7, 2009

BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!! *coughs and chokes* ANZAC cookie? \:\) *Hnads over cookies* I went on a "camp" today. Well, techniqucly it was a "day out" We aren't sleeping over there but oh well, it was fun \:D. UNtil I was turned upside down when coming down a climbing course and scrapped my back on a nail. I didn't have the brace ontoday. Oh well,. I lived :P. I'm feeling great, but my back ain't. Also a bit hyperactive!!!! \:D

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